
Guess Who's a New Grad!!!!

I was so excited. It's been a long time coming. But it is official...I have a B.A. in Psychology from California State University San Bernardino. Lets start with the morning of. Mrs. TV planned a big party for me at the house, mostly family and a few friends. The rental chairs and table didn't arrive the day before like they were supposed to. So in the early morning I was receiving the delivery. The ceremony was set for 9:30AM and asked for Grads to be there an hour early. I was up till 2AM that morning and had to get up at 4:30AM to start with last minute touch-ups to the house. Didn't get much sleep but I was too excited to sleep anyway.

The ceremony was long and boring as usual. It was a good thing that I didn't eat breakfast since when I went up to shake hands I felt like I was going to hurl. It was nice to see my family all standing and yelling for me in the stands.

So enough with the pleasantries...


Marcy said...

CONGRATS!!!! ;D ;D ;D Awesome homie!!

Cliff said...

Tri Vortex..

congrats...must be proud of that sheep skin :D