(Not an actual client)
RRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG goes my cell phone. Oooops, I forgot to call Mom to see if the wify and I could stop by the Grandparent's new place. Mrs. TV loves looking at new houses, so I had to jump in the shower and 35 minutes later we were in Beaumont, CA.
It was a long morning that I'm putting into my training log. Hey 8 hours of non-stop movement is work out to me.
I just spent 8 hours of my day cleaning 4 peoples houses. What a nice way to spend a Saturday. But I'm not going to complain, extra scratch is extra scratch. When I got home I pretty much had some water and passed out on the couch...the section right under the AC [ahhhhh].
(1 hr later)
RRRRIIIINNNNNGGGG goes my cell phone. Oooops, I forgot to call Mom to see if the wify and I could stop by the Grandparent's new place. Mrs. TV loves looking at new houses, so I had to jump in the shower and 35 minutes later we were in Beaumont, CA.
It was a long morning that I'm putting into my training log. Hey 8 hours of non-stop movement is work out to me.
I rather run than clean, and that is saying a lot. So you go ahead and put it on your training log.
That counts for something...
I have to agree. I would even count cleaning my own pace, let alone others'. :)
That's how my room looks like when i train :)
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