
June - A Month in Review

Here's is what June looked like for me. As you can see...no yellow, that means no running. I know, I know. It was an extremely slow training month for me. Only made time on the weekends.

Time to rectify the situation, Friday I went in for a 3 mile run at the gym. On the tread mil set to an incline = 2. Legs felt good, but my cardio has definitely slipped a little. I'll be working on it though. I have a 16 mile ride planned for this weekend with TriChef.

1 comment:

GP said...

I think my plotted-out minutes would reverse the cycling and the running. It's not even that I don't like cycling, it just doesn't happen for me. One of these days....

The thing that matters, however, is that you're out there moving. Besides, I'm sure the cycling contributes to greater running shape... right? I always tell myself the reverse is true. So, let's just go with that notion.