
What's in Your Bookmarks?

I was hoping if you all would help me a bit. I was wondering what the most popular search tools everyone is using to find triathlons in their areas. Personally, for me it a toss between Active.com and TriFind/California.

If you would be so kind as to tell everyone you know to stop by for a second to check off their favorite site in the Poll to the RIGHT.

For the "Other" option, just reply to this posting and let me know where you go and what you use. Thanks!


Julianne said...

I haven't done any searches for triathlons but I definitely use Active.com to do searches for running races! :-)

Marcy said...

Active! Most def!

Frayed Laces said...

I love Active, but I also find out a lot through local athlete mags. Look for those at your specialty running stores.